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The Netherlands and Denmark team up to ignite the twin transition

On Tuesday 12 June, leading experts and solution providers from Denmark and the Netherlands gathered in Hague to share insights on how to amplify the use of digitalisation in the district heating sector. A new case catalogue showcasing how data and digital tools are transforming Denmark's district heating industry was released at the event.

Heating buildings and homes account for almost 25% of global energy consumption, and 20% of all energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

One way to solve the challenge is by using technology and data to optimise production and save energy. Heating up the “twin transition” by ensuring that the digital tranformation and the clean energy transition works in tandem, efforts can unlock benefits for the individual sectors and our societies at large.

Denmark and the Netherlands unite to digitalise district heating

Digitalisation has the key to unlocking improved efficiency across the entire energy supply chain, from planning, and production to demand management. Sa such, digital efforts are critical enablers for emerging trends such as sector integration, smart demand response, decentralization and distributed energy. Numbers from the International Energy Agency (IEA) show that digital solutions have the potential to cut total energy use in residential and commercial buildings by 10%  by 2040.

Denmark with its long-standing focus on digitalisation in the energy sector has managed to keep household energy consumption consistently low due to a historic focus on energy efficiency measures. Through developing smart thermostats, measurement technology, software for building management, and artificial intelligence, Danish lessons show that it is possible to do more with less.

Now, ensuring that these experiences are brought to play elsewhere, Denmark and the Netherlands are teaming up to exchange knowledge and help inspire the use of  digital solutions in each other’s energy sectors.

Heating up the Twin Transition

The potential for digitalisation in district heating and energy efficiency in both Denmark and Netherlands is considerable and largely untapped. We have gathered key insights and solutions to kickstart the collaboration and digitalisation.

Discover insights and solutions

Heating up the twin transition in Haag

As part of a one-day conference, State of Green and its partners at the Danish Embassy in The Hague, the Confederations of Danish Industries and the Dutch organisations FME and InnovationsQuarter brought together market leaders and stakeholders from both Denmark and the Netherlands in the Hague. The purpose of the day was to exchange perspectives, share experiences and highlight solutions that accelerate the convergence of digitalisation and green energy.

Read more about the key outcomes from the conference: Heating up the Twin Transition: Digitalisation in district heating and energy efficiency in buildings

The day included a launch of the case catalogue “Digitalisation of the Danish District Heating Sector”. Made in collaboration with the Danish District Heating Association and DBDH, the case catalogue gathers 18 examples of the use of digitalisation and data from Denmark’s district heating sector. By presenting concrete examples of how to implement digital solutions in practice, the aim is to inspire and pave the road for further digitalisation of the sector – both locally and globally – in the future.

Find a preview of the case catalogue below or download the full publication from

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District cooling
District energy
District heating
Energy efficiency