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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent by 2030. This is the ambitious climate goal set by the Danish government. But how do we get there? Learn more at the official website for the Danish climate partnerships.

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Climate partnerships: A new model for public private climate action

The private sector plays an important role in the effort to achieve the Danish government’s climate goal. Partly via efforts to reduce emissions in value chains. And partly by developing new products, services, technologies, and business models which support the green transition – both at home and abroad.

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Climate partnerships: a new take on public-private climate action

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent by 2030. This is the ambitious climate goal set by the Danish government. But how do we get there?

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Climate partnerships: A new model for public private climate action

Climate partnerships: a new take on public-private climate action

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Climate partnerships


Climate COP


Climate ministers convene in Denmark to set the course towards COP29

11 March 2024
For the third year running, COP discussions get off to an early start at the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial. This year’s ministerial, hosted by Denmark in cooperation with the former and current COP presidencies of the United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan, will prepare the path towards a successful COP29 in Baku.


Energy efficiency


Polish-Danish energy tie-up: Tangible ways to double down on energy efficiency in Poland and the rest of Europe

31 January 2024
Poland and Denmark's collaboration paves the way for green growth and new business opportunities between the countries. Explore energy-efficient solutions and start the journey today.
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