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Turning global water challenges into opportunities for sustainable growth

Water is a scarce resource that is under increasing pressure. According to the UN, global water consumption will increase by 30 % by 2030 due to population growth and increased wealth. Several challenges related to water supply, water quality and wastewater treatment could be avoided or reduced through integrated water management and an intelligent approach to the entire water cycle. By treating water as the valuable and vital resource that it is, Denmark has been able to reduce water consumption by almost 40 % since 1980 and increase energy efficiency throughout the water cycle.

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water challenges into opportunities

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Smart water solutions


Smart cities


10 examples of climate technologies with documented impact

18 December 2023
Technology and digital solutions are important tools in addressing specific climate challenges in cities across the world. With an aim to inspire further implementation, this article gathers 10 examples from an analysis of climate technologies with documented impact in Danish municipalities.




Electrolysis: the next phase of the green transition

18 September 2023
Hydrogen and electrolysis are not new inventions. Hydrogen dates back 13 billion years to the Big Bang and has been used in industry for decades in the post-industrial world.


Climate change adaptation


Danes are European champions in applying for green patents

15 August 2023
Almost every fifth Danish patent application is green, which ensures Denmark a European top position in green innovation.
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