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Danes are European champions in applying for green patents

Almost every fifth Danish patent application is green, which ensures Denmark a European top position in green innovation.
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Green innovation serves as a crucial tool in driving the transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient economies. Danish companies have already made substantial strides in this direction, which becomes evident in their pursuit of green patents.

In a European context, Denmark stands out by leading the pack in terms of the proportion of CCMT (Climate Change Mitigation Technologies) patent applications. The applications designed to counteract the effects of climate change make up a noteworthy 19% of patent submissions from Danish companies. In comparison, larger nations like Germany, France, Austria, and Spain typically see this proportion at around 10%.

“We can be proud that Danish companies are taking up the challenge and are at the very top in green patents. This means that we can continue to develop new positions of strength within green technologies, which are crucial for Denmark’s and Europe’s future,” says Morten Bødskov, Denmark’s Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.

Related news: Danish companies obtain the most green patents

The significance of green patents extends beyond environmental benefits. There is also a tangible economic advantage for companies that engage in CCMT patents or green trademarks. Robust protection of patents and trademarks enhances the competitiveness of innovative companies, enabling them to recoup investments in research, product development, and global reputation-building. The companies actively seeking and receiving green patents substantially contribute to Denmark’s value creation, exports, growth, and job opportunities.

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