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Resource efficient production

Sustainable fuels

Sustainability is becoming a part of Danish private sector DNA

During the past few weeks, several Danish companies have set new, ambitious goals to reduce their environmental impact and improve the sustainability of their business. The companies are some of Denmark’s international heavyweights and the ambition to become the most sustainable in their industry is top of the agenda.

Sustainable farming

Monday this week, dairy giant Arla Foods pledged to make its dairy production CO2-neutral by 2050. The ambitious target is part of the company’s agenda ’Closer to Nature’. The strategy includes assistance from Arla Foods to dairy farmers on how to reduce their emissions.

”As a business we are also stepping up our transformation to more sustainable operations using non-fossil fuels, renewable energy, sustainable packaging and less waste with a wide range of new initiatives that we will unfold during 2019 and onwards,” stated Peder Tuborgh, CEO, Arla Foods in a press release.

The announcement from Arla came just three days after the pledge from another Danish agriculture colossus, meat producer Danish Crown. Danish Crown is aiming to halve CO2 emissions by 2030, thereby becoming the world’s most sustainable meat producer. Further down the line, the company has a vision of CO2-neutrality in 2050 and being the leading sustainable meat producer in the world.

-Related solution: Huge water savings in dairy production

Cleaner aviation

In line with the pledges from the Danish agricultural corporations, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has announced a new sustainable strategy focused on acquiring new and more efficient aircrafts, using more biofuel and CO2 compensation. Following this strategy, the airline is expecting to reduce CO2 emissions by 25 per cent by 2030. The strategy is aiming to make SAS the most sustainable airline in the world.

From flight to gate, the passengers travelling to the Danish capital will have a lighter climate conscience. Copenhagen Airport launched their newest climate strategy 5 March 2019 with the conspicuous goal of being CO2-neutral already in 2019 in regard to the airport’s fuel and energy consumption.

“Each year, more than 30 million people travel via Copenhagen Airport on their way to discover the world and to return home with inspiration and experiences. The ability to fly all over the world is crucial for our prosperity and well-being - but this must not be at the expense of our climate,” said Thomas Woldbye, CEO at Copenhagen Airport in a press release.

-Related solution: Towards sustainable aviation

A Danish private sector tendency

Sustainability and reduction of CO2 emission are becoming an ever more important part of the business models for Danish companies, however, the beginning of 2019 has shown a upsurge of several large and exporting companies across sectors committing to ambitious climate targets.

Among those companies are Grundfos, Novozymes, Maersk, and LEGO Group. Meanwhile, the Danish bioscience firm Chr. Hansen was ranked the most sustainable company in the world at the World Economic Forum in January.


Arla Foods

Copenhagen Airport

Danish Crown

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