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Air pollution




CCC Annual Conference

Visionary politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs and international bridge-builders meet to inspire and network with hundreds of cleantech peers

The world over, countries, cities and companies are embarking on a green transition to make the world more sustainable. The Danish cleantech sector holds many of the solutions to the global challenges - and by learning from each other we can create new opportunities for Denmark's cleantech competences.

CCC has invited visionary politicians, creative scientists, innovative entrepreneurs and international bridge-builders to inspire and share their stories of driving forward the green transition, alone and through partnerships. As members of CCC representatives from Copenhagen Cleantech Park participate in the conference. As a part of CCC the newly opened cleantech park in greater Copenhagen represents opportunities for the cleantech industry to expand their production and research.

For more information go here:

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Air pollution
Energy efficiency in buildings
Energy storage
Geothermal energy
Heat pumps
Living labs
Recycling of waste to material
Resource efficient production
Smart buildings
Solar thermal energy
Wastewater management
Water supply
Wind farm planning and development


Urban planning and development


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