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Climate change adaptation

New Danish podcast pursues global solutions to the climate crisis

The podcast’s title “Planet A” is a reference to former UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon’s remark that: “There can be no Plan B because there is no Planet B”. The Planet A podcast will invite some of the most prolific voices in the climate debate to share their thoughts. Not only to address the challenges and dilemmas inherent in climate change, but also to talk about its possible solutions.

”The climate crisis is the gravest and most complex threat that the world is facing. Fortunately, the science and technology is developing constantly, and produces new ideas that can help us in the fight against climate change,“ said Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities - and Planet A podcast host, Dan Jørgensen.

The Minister explains that the aim is to “use the podcast as a platform to explore those ideas, and create a space to unfold the dilemmas and intricate questions that are rarely addressed in the public debate. It is not about “being right” or “winning” the debate, but about gaining new insights and perspectives.”

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Three episodes out so far

The whole world is facing a speed up of the negative impacts, and the climatic loops are coming back bigger and faster than we anticipated, according to former U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, who is the guest in the first episode of the Planet A podcast.

When asked about the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, John Kerry calls for political leadership: “The pandemic and climate change crises require leadership: to look over the horizon, see what is coming and get ahead of it. We didn’t do it with COVID – we are not doing it with the climate.””

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In the second episode, the Minister interviews one of the world’s leading economists, Jeffrey Sachs, Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University – and former adviser to no less than three UN Secretary Generals.

In the third episode, Dan Jørgensen’s guest is the British Lord Nicholas Stern. Stern is the former chief climate adviser to the British government and in 2006 he authored its official report on the Economics of Climate Change, which argued that an early response to climate change would be both cheaper and more efficient.

Planet A can be downloaded via Apple Podcasts – or wherever you get your podcast.

The Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities plans to release additional episodes throughout the remainder of the year.



Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities

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