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Recycling of waste to material


International Demand for Danish Biotechnology

The new biogas facility, which is Xergi’s fourth French order in just three years, will be delivered to biogas company Méthalandes in the town of Hagetmau located south of Bordeaux in the south-western France.


The facility is backed by shareholders Eneria Ren, owned by Groupe Monneyeur, and stateowned bank Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations:


“The new order demonstrates how a strong technological development and a long-term market strategy continue to further our position in the international biogas industry. In that connection, it is an important stride ahead for our company to have our technology rubber stamped by significant players such as a large French pension fund and Eneria Ren”, says Jørgen Ballermann, CEO of Xergi. 

A recipe for international attention

Jørgen Ballermann continues by explaining how Xergi has developed a technology, which enables high gas production based on many different types of input, i.e. animal manure, organic waste and other biomass resources that can be utilised simultaneously. 


“Out technology is well received in countries such as France, Great Britain and USA because it ensures great security for clients that they are able to be supplied with the necessary quantities and qualities of biomass”, explains Jørgen Ballermann. 

In addition to production of energy, the facilities provide a valuable output of nutrients, which can be used as agricultural fertiliser for nearby areas. 


The biogas facility in Hagetmau will produce biogas based on 153,000 tonnes biomass per year. The produced biogas will be utilised for production of 37,8 million kWh of electricity, corresponding to the electricity consumption of 9,000 households. 
Construction commences during first quarter of 2014 and the facility will be put into productin in 2015. Total investment is EUR 23 million. 


Source: Xergi

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