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Wind Turbines in Copenhagen – Heading for Carbon Neutrality

30. March 2012

Solution provider

City of Copenhagen

The City of Copenhagen is a world leader in green growth, steadily working on becoming carbon neutral.

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Wind is an inexhaustible resource with a potential for reducing the CO2 emission remarkably and Denmark is far ahead in the development of wind technology.

At the same time wind turbines are very visible marks in the landscape helping to communicate the climate challenges to businesses, citizens and visitors in the city.

The Municipality of Copenhagen aims to reduce its carbon emission through the establishing of profitable wind farms. The Municipality already has specific plans to set up more wind turbines in Copenhagen but efforts will be increased in order to become the first carbon neutral capital in the world. Wind turbines represent a tested and well-developed technology which plays an important role in meeting the goals of the City’s climate efforts. Copenhagen has ambitions to set up wind turbines both within and outside the city limits, on shore as well as off shore.

All in all, the Municipality plans to set up more than 100 large wind turbines, bringing total investments close to DKK 5.5bn.

Taking the lead for wind turbine projects in Copenhagen
In 2012, the Municipality of Copenhagen will complete the planning process of the first two wind turbine parks with seven large wind turbines within the city limits. The citizens with be offered to buy shares in the turbines making a yearly profit and actively taking part in transformation of the energy system from fossil fuels towards renewable energy.

360 MW or more than 100 wind turbines
To achieve carbon neutrality in 2025, the Municipality of Copenhagen needs to set up 360 MW turbines – or more than 100 turbines. The exact number depends on the distribution of on shore and off shore wind turbines, wind conditions, future technological developments etc.

The City has identified two suitable locations in Øresund near the cost of Copenhagen for setting up off shore turbines, and the identification of suitable locations around the country for setting up wind turbines are in progress. And as the various locations are identified, specific projects will be outlined. The entire project involves total investments of up to DKK 5.5bn. in 2025, measured in 2010 terms.

Copenhagen Energy expects to fund the investments through loans and other external funding, joint ventures etc. The establishing and building of the wind turbines will be carried out by Copenhagen Energy, a company owned by the City of Copenhagen.