Air pollution
Climate change adaptation
Flood prevention
Reducing air pollution in Frederiksberg, Denmark
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The City of Frederiksberg in Denmark is a very popular place to live. It is the city in Northern Europe with the highest population density, resulting in high temperatures and traffic. The area around Langeland Square has one of the highest temperatures in the area, and as it is located next to a large road, the air is filled with polluting particles. Around three years ago, the City of Frederiksberg decided to renovate Langeland Square to create a better place for the citizens living nearby.
Solution and results:
One of the solutions implemented was Photocat’s NOx-OFF technology. The technology was installed in the paving stones and placed all over the square. Almost 2.000 square meters has been installed. The paving stone offers two solutions.
- It obtains and separates the air polluting particles called NOx through a photocatalytic process. The paving stone is most effective during the day as it relies on light. However, as the citizens are mostly outdoor during the day, the stone has the same effect as planting 270 adult trees.
- The second solution implemented in the stone is the ability to store and use rainwater. Underneath the surface of the paving stone, lies a small basin that collects excessive rainwater, which minimises the risk of flooding. The water then slowly evaporates through the stone and helps decrease the high temperatures in the area.
Since the renovation of Langeland Square, the amount of NOx in the area has been reduced with 10 per cent.
[caption id="attachment_102993" align="alignnone" width="450"] NOx paving stone Langeland Square[/caption]