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Solution Provider


Transform Danish Rootzone

Transform Danish Rootzone


Organisation type: Company


Indoor air quality

Urban water management

Waste management

Wastewater management

Wastewater treatment


Transform Danish Rootzone Technology, is a private Danish Bio engineering Company with more than 35 years of experience in Environmental Engineering.
We Design, Supervise, Construct and Operate sustainable and environmentally friendly systems. Our work areas are all based on natural processing, that means low costs, no energy and no chemicals needed. The systems are pragmatic by effects like recirculation, reuse and positive carbon credit.
Wastewater, sewage,  and sludge, are treated with Rootzone, an active soil filter with high sorption and biological activity, that may open for recirculation of water.

We have  innovated a high temperature composting technology  that converts organic waste to high valued bio-fertilizer in 5-10 days.

We have set up 1000 projects worldwide in  35 countries.

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