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Wind energy

Grid connection of 400 MW offshore wind farm at Anholt

30. July 2009

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Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. We own, operate and develop the transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark.

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At the end of 2012, must be ready with the technical installations that will carry power from the forthcoming 400 MW offshore wind farm between Djursland and Anholt to the mainland. The wind farm will supply environmentally-friendly electricity corresponding to the annual consumption of 400,000 households, or approximately 4% of Danish power generation. will establish a transformer platform, which collects power from the offshore wind farm and increases the voltage, and a submarine cable that carries the power ashore.

For the offshore wind farm to be established without any delay, the Danish Energy Agency has asked to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other relevant surveys.

The Danish Energy Agency invited public tenders for the offshore wind farm on 30 April 2009. The tender will be concluded in April 2010 once the EIA consultation has ended.

At 400 MW…d-farm-at-anholt/, the new offshore wind farm will be the biggest in Denmark and about twice as big as the wind farms at Horns Reef.