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Carbon capture, storage and utilisation

7. November 2022

Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage

Get a full overview on how carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) can be used to accelerate the green transition, by unlocking the huge potential of large-scale CO2-mitigation.
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Containing the global rising temperatures to a 1.5 degrees increase requires lowering the CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere drastically. There are many talks to be walked in decarbonising society. Some need to be addressed individually, and others necessitate collaboration – collaboration across value chains and borders. With carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), leaps can be taken and barriers can be broken.

Key take-aways from the White Paper

Understand the full value chain of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS).

Explore the many benefits of capturing, utilising, and storing CO2.

Learn how CCUS can reduce carbon emissions, create new business opportunities and make energy systems more resilient.

Be inspired by perspectives, solutions and collaborations in the pursuit of global green transition.

About this white paper

This white paper sets the scene with a global burning platform. All reliable science points to decarbonisation of the atmosphere as the key solution to transitioning towards a more sustainable society. It takes the reader chronologically through the CCUS value chain and presents how and why Denmark is geared to advance a green transition of hard-to-abate sectors and society as a whole through large-scale CO2-mitigation – to the benefit of both the planet and the people who inhabit it.

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