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Circular business models

The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark is nominated for prestigious circular economy award

Circular economy must increase in Denmark and the Ministry of Environment and Food strives to achieve this. The Ministry’s efforts have been nominated under the category “Public Sector” as part of the award program “The Circulars”, an initiative of the World Economic Forum.

-Related news: New circular economy partnership between Denmark and World Economic Forum announced

"I’m so proud that the ministry has been nominated for this award. Recognition by this distinguished forum of our work with the Advisory Board for Circular Economy and the Government’s Strategy for Circular Economy is well deserved. It would not have happened without the cooperation of the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hope that we win,” said Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Minister for Environment and Food.

The worlds’ most prestigious circular economy award

The award programme is an initiative of the World Economic Forum and the Forum of Young Global Leaders, who together with Accenture Strategy hand out the world’s leading circular economy award. The global award offers recognition to organisations that are making notable contributions to the circular economy.

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"The circular economy is not just a green and golden opportunity. It is a necessity. We have to re-think how we produce and consume goods, at national and international level. Danish public authorities and companies have a unique and close collaboration in support of the circular economy, to the benefit of both the environment and competitiveness. Our efforts to promote circular economy also support the international transition to more sustainable development in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, said Jakob Ellemann-Jensen.

The annual awards are hosted at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting held in Davos, Switzerland in January.

Read more about the circular economy award here.

Source: Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark

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