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Royal Danish visit to Poland: Spurring green alliances and international collaboration

On 31 January to 2 February, His Majesty King Frederik of Denmark and a total of more than 50 Danish companies, will visit Poland to strengthen the Polish-Danish cooperation in the fields of energy efficiency, offshore wind, port development, agriculture and biogas.

The royal visit to Poland

The visit takes place in Warsaw and Szczecin from the 31 January to the 2 February, with his Majesty King Frederik of Denmark leading a business delegation consisting of ministers, decision-makers, and more than 50 Danish companies.

The official royal visit to Poland is led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark with State of Green as a branding partner.

From the 31 January – 2 February, His Majesty King Frederik of Denmark will embark on his first international trip after his coronation. Joined by ministers, decision-makers, and over 50 Danish companies, the Danish delegation will visit Poland aiming to spur new avenues for collaboration and partnerships across a number of green industries.

With high-level events revolving around ways to strengthen tie-ups within energy efficiency, integration of renewables, port developments, transmission grids, green fuels, agricultural solutions and biogas, the visit reflects the geopolitical circumstances that have ensured a closer political and commercial dialogue between Denmark and Poland in recent years.

His Majesty King Frederik of Denmark will be accompanied by Denmark’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities Lars Aagaard and Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Jacob Jensen. During the visit, The King will meet with the President of Poland, HE Andrzej Duda, in the Presidential Palace and with the leaders of the Senate and the Polish lower chamber, Sejm.

Tangible ways to double down on energy efficiency in Poland and the rest of EU

We have gathered all you need to know about Poland and Denmark’s green partnership and brought together inspiring energy-efficient solutions in this free publication.

Download the publication

Paving the way for green growth and business opportunities

Poland has set targets to exploit the potential of a green transition within the country. And with both national initiatives and EU policies paving the way, the scene is set for a green energy transition.

The Polish Government’s Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050 focuses on energy efficiency goals that will reduce Poland´s CO2 emissions by 38%. Concerning biogas, new legislation is in the pipeline, containing incentives and the structural framework for future grid development. The ambition of Poland is that around 30% of the energy mix in the national grid should consist of biogas, which is a sector where Denmark has significant knowledge and technologies to offer. Similarly, food security and structural reforms of the agrifood sector will continue to be in focus due to the European market conditions and the war in Ukraine.

Lastly, the Danish delegation and leading Polish counterparts will travel to Szczecin on 2 February as part of the visit. Seeking to bolster energy security and strengthen commercial ties around the Baltic Sea, engagements will highlight Poland’s potential contributions to the energy and hard-to-abate transportation sectors. The focus is particularly on the rapid deployment of offshore wind and port development, grid transmission establishment, and acceleration of green fuel initiatives.

Discover the potential of collaboration and green energy

As part of the Royal Danish Visit to Poland, State of Green has compiled insights on the potential for further energy collaboration between Poland and Denmark. Dive into the different sector tracks below and find publications, solutions and future business partners.

The Polish-Danish tie-up within energy efficiency

Standing on the shoulders of a 50-year-old legacy, Danish companies are experts in designing solutions and technologies to accelerate energy efficiency across sectors. This includes everything from reducing energy usage and waste in energy-heavy industries to the expansion of district heating networks throughout cities, as well as ensuring energy-efficient standards and high-quality renovations of older buildings.
Explore the energy efficiency track

The Polish-Danish agro and biogas alliance

With a rich history as a farming country, Denmark has set targets to transform global food systems for a more sustainable and resilient future. This effort is led by public-private partnerships and resource-efficient agrifood solutions, including everything from genetics, feed solutions, automation, slurry management, biogas, and grid integration.
Discover the agriculture and biogas track

Collaborating on offshore wind, green ports, transmission grids and interconnected energy systems

Driven by public-private partnerships and cutting-edge technology, Denmark can present a vast array of public and private experts in creating innovative solutions in sectors such as offshore wind, green ports and grid development. With strong trade relations between the two nations, and the high demand for green solutions and technology, the way is paved for Polish-Danish partnerships that can contribute to creating green energy hubs in Poland.
Explore the energy system track

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