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Coastal protection


Hexa-Cover in groundbreaking waste-plastic project in Spain

Reusing waste plastic
1 December 2022

A significant amount of agricultural plastics ends up at coastal areas.

In response to this problem NGO Ambiente Europeo and Hexa-Cover A/S has successfully tested a circularity scheme securing a second life for waste plastic.

The waste plastic is collected, processed and used for manufacturing pollution free Hexa-Cover® floating covers. Hexa-Cover® provide a solution for challenges faced also by farmers such as water scarcity and algae growth.

Tests carried out in the Region of Murcia reveals a reduction in evaporation and proliferation of algae in irrigation ponds by more than 90%.

Thus, circulated agricultural plastic is turned into the environmentally friendly Hexa-Cover® solution implying no installation cost, no maintenance or repair cost, long durability, water saving, no algae proliferation, reduced carbon footprint – all clear advantages for farmers and the environment

Together with NGO Ambiente Europeo, we have now demonstrated that even low-quality agri plastics, e.g. collected from fields and beaches can also be used to make Hexa-Cover®. Thus, non-contaminated waste plastic/agri plastic is transformed into Hexa-Cover® technology and thus reduces evaporation of water and growth of algae by more than 90%!

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