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Denmark and Poland team up towards creating energy independence in Europe

Denmark and Poland have agreed to strengthen cooperation on the green agenda. In particular, the two countries will focus on exploiting the great potential for renewable energy in the Baltic Sea.

Tangible ways to double down on energy efficiency in Poland and the rest of EU

We have gathered all you need to know about Poland and Denmark’s green partnership and brought together inspiring energy-efficient solutions in this free publication.

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Denmark and Poland are strong allies and have now decided to strengthen the collaboration further, with the goal towards creating green transition and energy independence in Europe. The way to get there is the phasing out of fossil fuels and the expansion of renewable energy. And one way to do so is by exploiting the great energy potential of the Baltic sea.

As part of the the official Danish royal visit to Poland, a joint statement has been signed by the Minister of Climate and Environment of Poland, Paulina Hennig-Kloska, and Minister Climate, Energy and Supply of Denmark, Lars Aagaard, underlining the importance of Danish-Polish cooperation on climate and energy.

“The green transformation of Poland is necessary for both the climate and Europe’s energy independence. It is important that we get all of Europe involved. Danish companies are at the forefront of green solutions and green technology, and we have already seen good, green tactics from the new Polish government – and therefore there is both climate and economy in strengthening cooperation between Denmark and Poland. This is the cooperation we are now building on,”  Lars Aagaard, Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply, Denmark.

District heating and energy efficiency also play a major role in Danish-Polish energy cooperation. Today, fossil fuels make up more than 70 percent of Poland’s energy system, and the big job of phasing out a good portion of them lies ahead.

Therefore, part of the focus of business promotion is also energy efficiency and the roll-out of district heating. Two solutions that Poland especially looks forward to, and with which Denmark and Danish companies have many years of experience.

Read the joint announcement from Denmark and Poland here.

In addition, Denmark and Poland agree that cooperation in the EU is the way forward to ensure an ambitious and fair green transition.

Royal Danish visit to Poland: Spurring green alliances and international collaboration

On 31 January to 2 February, His Majesty King Frederik of Denmark and a total of more than 50 Danish companies visited Poland to strengthen the Polish-Danish cooperation in the fields of energy efficiency, offshore wind, port development, agriculture and biogas.

Read more about the visit

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