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Green hydrogen


Denmark and Germany to build green hydrogen pipeline by 2028

On 24 March, Denmark and Germany agreed to build a land-based pipeline, making it possible for green hydrogen to flow cross-border from 2028.

Power-to-X in Denmark

With a newly established national strategy, power-to-x plays an integral part in Denmark’s green ambitions.

Read more about P2X in Denmark

Denmark and Germany recently proposed a plan to establish a land-based hydrogen pipeline between the two countries by 2028. During a visit to Copenhagen, German Vice Chancellor Peter Habeck and Danish Minister of Climate, Energy, and Utilities Lars Aagard reached an agreement to support the development and implementation of hydrogen infrastructure projects for potential operators and users.

“Denmark is in a unique position to become Northern Europe’s green powerhouse and contribute to the green transition. Soon we will be more than self-sufficient in green electricity, and this must be used to produce green fuels for export. This requires investments in infrastructure, and the companies are ready by the starting gates. Consider this the starting shot.” Minister of Climate, Energy and Utilities in Denmark, Lars Aagard

“If our industry is to become climate neutral, we not only need electrified production processes but also need hydrogen. On the electricity market, we already benefit on a daily basis from the strong partnership with Denmark. Today we are signing a joint declaration on hydrogen infrastructure. In this statement, we particularly outline areas for cooperation on hydrogen, including support for companies. We are aiming for the first trade in hydrogen through a pipeline by 2028 at the latest. We look forward to being able to expand our strong partnership through this. In this way, together we strengthen sustainability, efficiency and security of supply in the European energy markets”. Minister of Economy and Climate in Germany, Vice Chancellor Peter Habeck

The agreement strengthens an already strong power-to-x partnership and integration of the niehbouring countries energy systems.

Realising the Danish power-to-x potential

The Danish-German declaration is a significant step towards realizing Denmark’s PtX agreement. This agreement aims to convert energy from solar cells and wind turbines into hydrogen for use in green fuels for transportation and industry.

Power-to-X is a crucial solution for achieving climate neutrality, and Denmark has the potential to be a major player in the global market. Germany has a growing need for hydrogen, and Denmark’s abundant wind power resources make it an ideal exporter.

Replacing fossil fuels with green hydrogen from Denmark can reduce CO2 emissions in German heavy industry. Market players recognize the potential for a Danish-German collaboration on green hydrogen but emphasize the need for expanding hydrogen infrastructure.

Find the Danish Government’s strategy for Power-to-X in full 


The Danish-German cooperation on green hydrogen

  • Denmark and Germany collaborate closely to support a market-driven rollout of hydrogen infrastructure and integration of the two countries energy systems.
  • There is a particular focus on paving the way for green hydrogen to be transported from Western Denmark to Northern Germany in a land-based hydrogen pipeline across the border between the two countries from 2028.
  • The declaration is to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between Denmark and Germany and relevant actors about barriers to the establishment of a hydrogen pipeline.
Read the full agreement

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