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Climate partnerships

13 climate partnerships will support the Danish government in reaching the green targets

According to a press release from the Prime Minister’s Office (in Danish), “the Danish business community has a central role in the green transition and with the climate partnerships, the government wants to work closely with the business community on how to contribute to solving the climate challenges.”
13 November 2019

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is quoted in the press release:

“We must solve the climate challenge together. In respect of our unique, strong, Danish model of society. Every part of our society must contribute to achieve the government’s ambitious climate goals. I know that people with different interests can find common solutions if they want and if they come together. This is the public spirit demonstrated by companies and organisations every single day. They take responsibility for the community they are part of. I am pleased and proud of the 13 climate partnerships we present, each with strong, competent business leaders at the head of the table. Together we can show the world that Denmark is both green, competitive and solidary. ”

At the same time, the “Green Business Forum” is set up, where several ministers, the chairmen of the 13 climate partnerships as well as trade union representatives, business organisations and the Danish Council on Climate Change will participate. This forum will track the implementation of the climate partnerships’ roadmaps and proposals.


Companies are one step ahead

In a government feature published earlier today (in Danish), the Danish Prime Minister and three of her ministers write:

“We are seeing that the Danish business community is deeply involved in the climate case. To be honest, many companies are a step ahead of us politicians. While we have been busy setting high climate targets for Denmark – a 70 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 – the green transition is already in full swing at the workplaces.

Ørsted, Vestas, Grundfos, Danfoss, Velux and many more Danish companies sell sustainable solutions worldwide.

There is a straight line from the work that Danish employees are part of in Denmark’s green production workplaces and to the huge respect that Denmark enjoys internationally.

Danish companies and employees deserve a government that is as ambitious as they are themselves. We must invest in green technology and show that partnerships are the solution – also on the climate challenges and on the protection of the nature in which each generation only guests.”

New climate ambassador

Denmark is also intensifying its efforts abroad, with its appointment of a climate ambassador this week. Denmark’s current ambassador to Egypt, Tomas Anker Christensen, whose previous roles include head of the UN Secretary-General’s climate team and special advisor to Michael Bloomberg, the UN’s special envoy on climate, will assume the new role.  Mr Christensen’s primary focus will be to coordinate and lead Denmark’s efforts to increase the level of global climate ambitions in regards to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The chairmen of the government’s 13 climate partnerships

  • Land transport and logistics: Jens Bjørn Andersen, CEO, DSV Panalpina
  • Service, IT and consultancy: Eva Berneke, CEO, KMD
  • Aviation: Simon Pauck Hansen, CEO, SAS Danmark
  • Waste, water and circular economy: Camilla Haustrup Hermansen, CEO and co-owner, Plus Pack
  • Building and construction: Jesper Kristian Jacobsen, CEO, Aarsleff
  • Life Science og biotech: Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, CEO, Novo Nordisk
  • Retail: Michael Løve, Group CEO, Netto International
  • Production: Mads Nipper, CEO, Grundfos
  • Finance: Torben Möger Pedersen, CEO, PensionDanmark
  • Energy and utilities: Henrik Poulsen, CEO, Ørsted
  • Shipping: Søren Skou, CEO, Mærsk
  • Energy heavy industry: Michael Lundgaard Thomsen, Managing Director, Aalborg Portland
  • Food production and agriculture: Jais Valeur, Group CEO, Danish Crown

Several State of Green owners and sponsors represent the business community in the climate partnerships and in the Green Business Forum:


The Danish Prime Minster’s Office (in Danish)

The Danish Prime Minister’s Office (in Danish)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

The Danish Government (in Danish)

Photo: The Danish government

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