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Hybrid event

Climate COP

Climate partnerships

COP29 information meeting

Event details

Tuesday 7 May 2024 15.00 - 17.00

Online (or at House of Green)

Registration deadline
1 May 2024




Nina Milling Riiser
Head of International Relations (Bioenergy, Biosolutions)

[email protected]

+45 4072 8975

COP29 newsletter

Stay ahead of the curve – we will keep you informed about latest news, practicalities, the Danish political work and opportunities to interact.


This information meeting gathers Danish stakeholders from both the public and private sectors who are leading climate action efforts and seeks to kickstart the collaboration leading up to COP29. The Danish pavilion presents a platform for public-private climate action at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. 

Join the information meeting: We encourage Danish companies and organisations committed to the green transition, innovation and climate action to seize this opportunity to gain insights on the preparations leading up to COP29. We do not have the date for signing up for the Danish Pavilion yet, but we will share all the details we have at this information meeting.

Physical attendance for the information meeting is now closed, but registration for online participation remains open.

By playing a part in COP29 you will have the opportunity to enter discussions and commitments that will shape the future of international climate action. As Danish companies and organisations, your expertise, innovations and contributions are invaluable in advancing green solutions and driving meaningful change on a global scale.

Denmark pavilion at COP29: The Danish pavilion will be developed in cooperation between the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilitiesthe Danish Ministry of Foreign AffairsDanish Industry and State of Green.

COP29 newsletter: Sign up for our newsletter to receive all available information on the Danish delegation joining COP29.

For any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Emilie Mørup
Advisor, Global Market Development
DI - Confederation of Danish Industry

[email protected]

+45 28 40 85 41

Key take-aways

Thank you to everyone participating in the information meeting. Slides from the meeting are available here.

Watch the meeting on demand:

Tuesday 7 May 2024 15.00 - 17.00
Online (or at House of Green)
Registration deadline
May 1, 2024

Registration for this event is no longer possible

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