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Official side events during UIA

Get the full overview of official side events during the UIA Conference in Copenhagen.

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“Sustainable future – leave no one behind” is the theme of the UIA congress 2023 and with the ever-quickening consequences of climate change across the globe, this focus seems vital now more than ever.

On this page, we hope to inspire you with interesting perspectives, insightful white-papers and meaningful case stories on Danish solutions aimed at creating a more sustainable built environment. If you are interested in learning more about how Danish solutions can serve as building blocks in future development of urban spaces that respect the planetary boundaries, join us for our events during the UIA congress 2023.

State of Green events during the UIA congress 2023

Exclusive after-hours networking event

Join Danish Association of Architectural Firms, Creative Denmark and State of Green for a rooftop networking event, where architects, developers and other valuable partners can share experiences on how to collaborate across borders when developing urban spaces that respect the planetary boundaries. This event is an opportunity for peers and potential partners to connect, while experiencing one of the best views in Copenhagen.
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Discover Copenhagen’s architecture and infrastructure by bicycle​

Join Rambøll and State of Green on a guided bicycle tour from Bella Center to downtown Copenhagen and become familiar with Copenhagen’s renowned bicycling culture and infrastructure. On the guided tour you will be presented to architectural landmarks that accommodate active mobility into the design of a green, liveable and connected city.
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Exclusive boat trip to waterside architectural icons of Copenhagen

Join Creative Denmark, BLOXHUB, DAC and State of Green on a guided boat trip and experience the environmentally conscious architectural icons that surround Copenhagen’s inner harbor. Apart from experiencing Copenhagen’s harbor landscape first-hand, this event gives you the chance to connect with international and Danish stakeholders involved in urban development.
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Smart City front page

Download our wthite paper and learn more about the newest Danish solutions within the built environment

We have gathered all you need to know about the Danish built environment and collected inspiring solutions in our free publications.

Find more relevant white-papers


Climate change adaptation


Nature Based Solutions

5 March 2021
Using rainwater as a resource to create resilient and liveable cities


Climate change adaptation


Water for smart liveable cities

1 August 2022
How rethinking urban water management can transform cities of the future

Get inspired by Danish solutions in the built environment