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White Paper ‘Producing More With Less’ in Chinese

Save water, CO2 and energy without compromising food safety and production in the slaughter industry. Enable process water to produce biodegradable biopolymers for plastic production. Produce high quality mushroom fertiliser from biogas residues and find synergy between biogasethanolheat and power generation.

- Download White Paper in Chinese: Producing More with Less

The new white paper publication, developed in close collaboration with the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, aims to share some of Denmark’s solutions on how to drive a biobased economy through resource-efficient production.  By gathering a selection of cases, each demonstrating opportunities and lessons learned from different industrial sectors, the publication provides insight into developing a sustainable society with combined production of food, energy resources and biomaterials, able to replace fossil resources both across and between industrial value chains:

- Read more about: Biofuels

“The greenhouse gas emissions from the Danish agriculture and food production continue to decline -  and the same goes goes overall for other environmental parameters. The driving force behind this development can be found in the sector itself. Innovative, motivated and entrepreneurial farmers and food companies, as well as unique knowledge in the sector, have in combination led to improved efficiency in production and substantial gains in climate and environmental impacts,” says Karen Hækkerup, CEO of the Danish Agriculture & Food Council.

- Read more about: Biorefinery

As such, the cases found in this publication act as means to accomplish the societal goal of becoming independent of fossil fuels, which Denmark aims to achieve by 2050. Importantly, the cases included are already implemented, underlining the fact that many technologies to undertake a green transition are already available, and more to the point that the solutions are sustainable, not only in terms of the environment, but in terms of economics as well.

Cases in the white paper

  • Novozymes: Bio-based solutions for a growing world
  • DLF Trifolium: Max feed and food production by genomic breeding
  • Arla: Sustainable dairy production in a life cycle perspective
  • Danish Crown: Sustainable water use in the slaughter industry
  • Kopenhagen Fur: When mink is used 100%
  • Focus BioEnergy: From fossil fuels to renewables in brewery production
  • Marine Ingredients: Fishmeal and fish oil for the future
  • KMC: Carbon reuse from residues of food production
  • DLG: An integrated approach to supply chain management
  • Advanced Substrate Technology: Bioenergy and food production in the circular bioeconomy
  • DONG Energy: New bio solutions
  • Maabjerg Energy Concept: Finding synergy between biogas, ethanol, heat and power generation
  • Kinetic Biofuel: Briquettes from residual straw boost biogas production with 100%
  • Danish Energy Association: More biogas in Denmark’s natural gas grid
  • State of Green: Strongholds in Danish bioeconomy & resource-efficient production



Source: State of Green and the Danish Agriculture & Food Council

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Air pollution


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