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Energy efficiency

Resource efficient production

Minimizing resource consumption on the construction site

22. August 2024

Solution provider

ConTech Lab – a part of Molio

ConTech Lab is the construction industry's shared development platform where companies from the industry can develop and experiment with new ways of using data, digitalization and technology to create the future of construction - a sustainable and efficient one. ConTech Lab commits to sharing all findings and new knowledge to the benefit of the entire industry.

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Contractors face significant difficulties in documenting resource consumption on construction sites. This process is currently manual and involves collecting invoices for waste disposal, monthly energy consumption invoices, and extracting energy data from Energinet.

This time-consuming, manual process hinders real-time detection of inefficient resource use, making it difficult for construction management to learn from the data. Additionally, research shows, 75% of contractors find it time-consuming to document their use of resources, and only half believe minimizing consumption on construction sites is economically feasible.


ConTech Lab aims to address these challenges by developing a common method for real-time data collection to help the construction industry measure and document actual resource consumption on construction sites.

The project seeks to identify technologies that support climate documentation and provide benchmark data for the industry, suggesting initiatives to minimize resource consumption on construction sites. The project involves data collection from 10 test locations across Denmark, where resource consumption and reducing initiatives are measured and tested in areas such as energy, water, heat, and fuel consumption.


ConTech Lab’s efforts have led to the identification and implementation of several resource-minimizing initiatives on test locations. These include:

1. Delivery and Logistics Planning: All deliveries are planned and integrated into the construction site plan to avoid material relocation.

2. Monitoring Waste Fractions: Waste handling is observed to identify and change inappropriate behavior regarding waste management.

3. IoT for Real-Time Fuel Monitoring: Logging fuel consumption and intensity on-site enables the reduction of usage and idle time.

4. Daily Reports to Streamline Construction: Daily reports provide an overview of progress, contributing to more efficient construction management.