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Resource efficient production

Energy efficiency in industry

Industrial symbiosis

Welcoming US-partners to Denmark’s resource-efficient industries

This week, State of Green hosted a US delegation from the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure at House of Green as the first stop on a knowledge exchange trip to explore the Danish approach to symbiosis in the agricultural sector.
11 September 2023

Discover Denmark's resource-efficient industries

Presenting insights and lessons from Denmark’s push to make its industries more resource-efficient, this publication gives an introduction to the Danish journey towards energy efficiency in industries, while showcasing innovative solutions from Danish solution providers.

Discover the publication

For decades, Denmark has prioritized resource efficiency, successfully decoupling economic growth from resource consumption. The Danish food and beverage industry has significantly reduced energy intensity, with a more than 50% decrease from 1990 to 2018, while the industry as a whole has decreased by approximately 40% in the EU.

This drive for energy conservation is fueled by a circular approach, especially in energy-intensive sectors like food and beverage. Initiatives like industrial symbiosis in Denmark promote commercial partnerships between public and private organisations, fostering resource preservation and sharing through circular symbiosis.

Read more: Industrial Symbiosis: a model for growth in the circular economy


Transatlantic exchange: Sharing lessons from Denmark’s green transition

With the aim of exchanging knowledge and sharing experiences between the countries, a delegation from the US Center for Sustainable Infrastructure (CSI) was welcomed in the House of Green on Monday 11 September. This visit marked the first stop on a 5-day trip for the American delegation, consisting of Washington state senators and business profiles from the US, to explore resource efficiency solutions in the Danish food and beverage sector. 

The day included an introduction to Denmark’s green energy transition by Gry Klitmose Holm, Senior Project Manager at State of Green. Lise Walbom, CEO of Food Nation, presented on sustainable food production in Denmark, and Fabian Bühler, Advisor at the Danish Energy Agency, shared insights from Denmark’s green energy policies promoting the country’s green energy agenda.

CSI in Denmark

Center for Sustainable Infrastructure is an American non-profit organisation, based in Portland, with a mission to support sustainable infrastructure innovation and development in the Pacific Northwest.

The group consisting of Washington State senators and business profiles from the US is on a 5-day knowledge exchange trip to Denmark, learning about agriculture symbiosis while visiting public and private partners from the Danish food and agricultural sector. Besides House of Green, the visit includes stops at the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, Kalundborg Symbiosis, GreenLab, and Nature Energy among others.

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Energy efficiency in industry
Industrial symbiosis
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