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Onshore wind

Wind energy

Wind research and development

Viking Wind joins Green Denmark Southeast Asia community

Green Denmark in Southeast Asia is initiated and managed by the Danish Trade Council. It is a community of thought leaders and Danish companies, which aims to accelerate sustainable development and green collaboration between Southeast Asia and Denmark
12 November 2020

Green Denmark in Southeast Asia is initiated and managed by the Danish Trade Council. It is a community of thought leaders and Danish companies, which aims to accelerate sustainable development and green collaboration between Southeast Asia and Denmark. Green Denmark in southeast Asia is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.  The Trade Council performs tasks for private companies within export, innovation, internationalization, and investment promotion. Green Diplomacy and promoting sustainable business opportunities are at the heart of the services. By connecting green Danish players to public institutions and like-minded businesses across Southeast Asia, the aim is to harvest the best of Denmark’s potential and strongholds to push sustainable development and green transition in Southeast Asia. Read more about the community here

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Onshore wind
Wind energy
Wind research and development


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