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Wind energy

Job creation and just transition

Wind farm planning and development


New offshore wind park increases Denmark’s wind energy capacity to 5.4 million households

With the last turbines connected to Vesterhav Nord, the newest offshore wind farm in Denmark has started producing green power. This latest addition to Denmark’s energy sector generates renewable electricity equivalent to about 180,000 households, bolstering the Danish wind energy capacity to approximately 5.4 million households.
Aanholt offshore wind farm

Explore Danish wind energy

Wind energy plays a key role in reaching Denmark’s target of 70 % greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030. And with some of the best wind conditions in the world, it is easy to understand how Denmark has become a global hub for wind power technology.

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With a production corresponding to the electricity consumption of 180.000 households, Vesterhav Nord is the newest addition to Denmark’s wind energy sector. Installed by Vattenfall, the offshore wind farm includes 21 large turbines, collectively generating 180 MW.

Vesterhav Nord follows in the wake of Vesterhav Syd with 20 turbines, which began production in January.

Also read: The Danish electricity consumption has never been greener

“It is always a good day when new plants with renewable energy are connected to the electricity grid. Because this means that the electricity in the switches becomes greener and that we can continuously phase out fossil energy with renewable energy sources. And since we exchange power with a number of neighboring countries, it not only benefits Denmark, but also our neighboring countries” Kristoffer Böttzauw, Director General of the Danish Energy Agency.

As part of a broader initiative, Denmark now hosts 648 offshore wind turbines and around 6,300 onshore counterparts. This network contributes with 7.2 gigawatts to the nation’s energy landscape, corresponding to electricity demand of 5.4 million households.

Today, the Danish wind industry employs around 33.000 individuals. And with continued investments in electrification, wind energy plays an ever more critical role in the country’s journey towards decarbonisation. And the investment is paying off.

Through years of working with standardisation of production and processes, technology development, design optimisation, and cross-industrial collaboration, the Danish wind industry has succeeded in driving down the cost of wind energy. As a result, both onshore and offshore wind energy are now the cheapest sources of energy in Denmark, outperforming any fossil fuel.

Read the original press release at: Danish wind energy can now supply a electricity demand equivalent to 5.4 million households (Danish press release)

wind value chain

Explore the Danish wind value chain

Dive into our digital visualisation of Denmark’s green wind value chain, and discover companies and organizations that specialise in wind-related technology, research, and innovation.

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Wind energy
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