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Energy storage

Heat pumps

Living labs


New Industry Alliance will Electrify Europe

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Energy storage
Heat pumps
Living labs
Urban infrastructure planning
Urban mobility


Climate COP


COP28: New global alliance to advance negative emissions

11 December 2023
It is not enough for all countries to aim for climate neutrality; some must go beyond and become climate-negative. Aimed at achieving this after 2045, Denmark has launched the GONE alliance with like-minded countries.




Green hydrogen is Danish hydrogen

19 September 2023
Get a full overview on how hydrogen can produce green fuels for transport and industry, create value for electricity supply and the electricity grid, and deliver heat for district heating - provided the input is green energy.




Green hydrogen derivatives for deep decarbonisation

19 September 2023
Hydrogen is an important enabler for the production of hydrogen derivatives, such as e-methanol, e-ammonia, and e-kerosene, which can be used in industry and transport.




Energy renovation of buildings

1 June 2022
How to realise the untapped potential of the built environment with energy renovation of buildings.


Combined heat and power production


District Energy

1 October 2021
Green heating and cooling for urban areas