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Wind energy

Job creation and just transition

Offshore wind


Indian wind market on the rise: Need for Danish knowhow and solutions

India has set ambitious climate targets and holds great potential for both onshore and offshore wind. Together with partners DWEA and the Trade Council, State of Green will be present alongside Danish companies at the Windergy International Trade Fair and Conference on 4-6 October in Chennai, India to promote Danish knowhow and support the potential for Danish-Indo partnerships.
28 September 2023

The Indo-Danish Green Strategic Partnership

How one of the world’s largest countries and one of the smallest join forces to create a new era of just, green transition. India and Denmark’s Green Strategic Partnership paves the way for green growth and new business opportunities.

Download our publication to explore green energy solutions and start the journey today.

Read more about the Green Strategic Partnership

The Indian wind market is on the rise with a total wind target of 140 GW by 2030 and even greater potentials for both onshore and offshore wind. When the wind sector gathers on 4-6 October in Chennai, India, for the 5th edition of Windergy International Trade Fair and Conference, State of Green will be present alongside Danish companies, Danish Wind Export and Trade Council of Denmark in India to promote Danish knowhow and support the potential for Danish-Indo partnerships.

Windergy 2023 will serve as a dynamic nexus for pivotal discussions, where attendees will delve into the latest technological breakthroughs, emphasizing the pivotal role of wind energy in the national energy mix. Denmark, represented by a diverse array of companies specializing in all aspects of the wind energy value chain, will have a prominent presence at this year’s conference, as Denmark is a green strategic partner country to India.

In particular, the Indian market is looking into a build-out of 110 GW onshore and 30 GW offshore wind by 2030. Another keen focus is repowering, as more than 10 GW of today’s wind turbines in India has less than 1 GW capacity, and 2.5 GW with less than 500 KW capacity. In the Southeastern state of Tamil Nadu alone, there is a repowering potential of 834 GW, according to Trade Council of Denmark in India.

“Denmark has the skills, India has the scale” 

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that India will emerge as one of the world’s largest markets for renewable energy in the coming years, with electricity consumption expected to triple by 2040 – equivalent to more than the EU’s total electricity consumption today. Consequently, India aspires to integrate substantial amounts of renewable energy to meet the growing energy demand.

India’s climate goals:

India’s climate goals:

  • Reach 500 GW Non-fossil energy capacity by 2030.
  • 50 per cent of its energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030.
  • Reduction of total projected carbon emissions by one billion tons from now to 2030.
  • Reduction of the carbon intensity of the economy by 45 per cent by 2030, over 2005 levels.
  • Achieving the target of net zero emissions by 2070.

With a burgeoning population of 1.4 billion, vast potential for harvesting wind resources, and supportive government policies, there is great potential for Danish companies and authorities to support India on its journey toward reaching its declared climate goals.

Moreover, India boasts the best-cost manufacturing footprint for cost-effective export strategies to global markets, currently positioning it as one of the three most attractive countries for investment in the onshore wind segment.

“Denmark has the skills, India has the scale, and the world has the need for new technologies,” as Prime Minister Modi declared during the announcement of India and Denmark’s Green Strategic Partnership commitment in 2020. By combining Danish expertise, comprehensive value chains, extensive experience with wind technology, and India’s scale, with speed, scope, and political will, the potential for making a significant stride towards a greener future is immense.


Get in touch

Billede af Maja Schrøder Kristensen

Maja Schrøder Kristensen
Senior Project Manager (Renewable Energy Sources)

[email protected]

+45 5126 9589

Guidance and support to enter the Indian market

While navigating India’s complex market may pose challenges, strategic collaborations and partnerships are in place to help Danish players on their way.

From conducting market analyses and promoting Danish green solutions to the Indian market, to guidance on foreign direct investment and establishing business abroad to forming partnerships with Indian players, we are here to assist. Reach out to DI India, Trade Council of Denmark in India, or State of Green to learn more.

And, if you’re attending Windergy 2023, drop by the Pavilion powered by Denmark in exhibition booth B-228 for a talk on we can assist you in finding the ideal business partner for your sustainable investment in India.

This article is part of a campaign co-funded by the European Union.

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