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Green Shipping

Shipping and maritime

EU Supports Green Shipping with EUR 6.3 million

In 2008, the International Maritime Organization, IMO, agreed on a progressive reduction of the maximum sulphur content in fuels used onboard ships. In Environmentally Controlled Areas close to land, the maximum will be lowered to 0,1% by 2015.

This has put the spotlight on green shipping technologies, which are able to reduce the amount of sulphur, notably scrubber technologies. In basic terms, scrubbers ‘wash’ the smoke and subsequently the pollution particles are separated from the scrubber water in specially designed, high-speed water cleaning units. Weighing in at around 70 tonnes, a scrubber is installed in the chimney system on the ship, and comes at an average cost of EUR 5.4 million.

- Read more: Maritime Climate Forum established to reduce CO2 emissions from ship transportation

DFDS has tested scrubber technologies since 2009 and the shipping company will invest close on EUR 100 million in scrubbers for 21 ships.

Danish Maritime Days – New global maritime summit from 6-10 Oct. 2014

The Danish maritime industry offers a wide range of green maritime solutions, both for the building of new ships as well as for retrofitting of existing vessels. These include solutions for treating ballast water, reducing air emissions, improving energy efficiency and many more.

Danish Maritime Days offers an opportunity to experience Danish maritime technology in an international context. As a major new event for the global maritime industry, Danish Maritime Days will bring together a broad spectrum of leaders from across the industry with the objective to find new solutions to the most important challenges facing the industry today and in the future.

- Download: Leaflet about Danish Maritime Days 

The one week maritime event is committed to creating a shared platform where leaders across the global maritime industry can work together with regulators, experts and other stakeholders to unleash the full potential of the global maritime industry.

- Visit website: The Danish Maritime Days website

There is a lot in the pipeline – including conferences, briefings, exhibitions, symposia, company visits, receptions and dinners – planned throughout the week of 6-10 October 2014 – which makes Danish Maritime Days an opportunity to meet peers from around world, to make new connections, to be inspired and to pave the way for new partnerships.

Facts about Danish maritime

- Maritime transport is the most energy-efficient mode of transport

- The Danish maritime industry is a market leader in several areas, including engine and propeller design, marine coating, pumping systems and     navigational and safety equipment

- Danish-designed ship engines are the most widely used globally

- The Danish maritime industry has contributed to projects that have led to more than 20% reduction in fuel consumption, 90% decrease in SOx and 80% decrease in NOx emissions

- Since 2008 Danish carriers have reduced their CO2 emissions by 25%

Source: DFDS / Danish Maritime Authority

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Green Shipping
Shipping and maritime


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