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Offshore wind

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Breaking of ground at 2MW electrolysis plant in Copenhagen

On May 17th 2021, construction work began on the 2MW H2RES electrolyser plant at Avedøre. The Danish minister for Climate-, Energy and Utilities, Dan Jørgensen, gave the signal to start the digging in this untraditional breaking of ground ceremony.

The purpose of the H2RES-project is to demonstrate how large-scale offshore RE-production can be utilized in the production of green hydrogen by electrolysis. Large-scale conversion of RE to hydrogen can ensure both an efficient energy utilization, sectoral integration and reduce the level of curtailment. The application of green hydrogen for fuel cell based heavy-duty transport is a way of both utilizing the Danish RE-resources and ensuring decarbonization in the transport sector. H2RES also showcases Danish innovation and green technologies for inspiration and application in the rest of the world. Several of the project’s ‘state-of-the-art’ elements have never before been seen in this context and will show groundbreaking, scalable green solutions developed and delivered by Danish companies. In the H2RES-project a 2 MW electrolysis installation, located at the Ørsted powerplant in Avedøre, will produce upwards of 1000 kg. of green hydrogen per day for utilization in the transport sector in Greater Copenhagen and on Sealand.

See also project website:

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Offshore wind
Sustainable fuels
Urban mobility
Wind energy


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