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Wind farm planning and development

Wind turbine manufacturing and components

The World’s Most Global Wind Turbine Manufacturers Are Danish

Danish wind turbine manufacturers Vestas and Siemens Wind Power rank as the top companies least dependent on their domestic market. According to the Danish Wind Industry Association, the Danish market accounted for approximately 1% of sales for Vestas and 3% of sales for Siemens Wind Power in 2012. 

Graph: Degree of independence from domestic market (MAKE Consulting & the Danish Wind Industry Association)

“That Denmark is home to two of the world’s most globalised manufacturers of wind turbines bears witness to the fact, that we as an industrial and developed country hold some truly unique competences, which are valued by companies and ensures a business area of global importance. Denmark is a large player even though we have a relatively small domestic market compared to the global wind market", says Jan Hylleberg, CEO of the Danish Wind Industry Association.

A global stronghold benefits Danish suppliers and subcontractors

The strong global focus has created good opportunities for Danish subcontractors and suppliers, which have followed the globalised trend and gained experience in markets outside of Denmark for many years. This has put Danish suppliers and subcontracts in a strong position in the global market:


“Danish wind industry suppliers and subcontractors are most likely the most global as well. When we see a rise in manufacturers moving to unfamiliar grounds in the world market, it means that Danish suppliers are able to offer tried and internationally accepted components and services, as well as consultancy, based on many years of documented experience”, says Jan Hylleberg. 

Source: Danish Wind Industry Association

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