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Green hydrogen

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Hydrogen infrastructure


New cross-border partnership to provide Danish hydrogen to Germany

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and Uniper have recently signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen their collaboration on supplying Danish green hydrogen to Germany.

HØST: Green ammonia on a gigawatt scale

With a capital investment of more than EUR 1bn , HØST PtX Esbjerg will be the leading PtX plant in Denmark. The project will also be among the first gigawatt-scale PtX facilities in Europe.

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Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and Uniper have solidified their partnership through a recent signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU). This MOU is dedicated to drive collaboration on production, transport, and marketing of green hydrogen from the HØST Ptx Esbjerg project, located on the Danish Westcoast, to Germany.

In this partnership, the two companies have joined forces to devise a model aimed at delivering up to 140.000 tonnes of green hydrogen to clients across Germany annually Additionally, Uniper intends to integrate the green hydrogen sourced from the HØST project into its green gas portfolio, catering to the diverse requirements of industries with varying flexibility profiles and with customizable contract durations.

It is anticipated that the HØST project will be connected to the German hydrogen backbone by the end of 2028. This integration will be facilitated by a new hydrogen pipeline, spanning from Denmark to Germany, which will be developed through collaborative efforts between the Danish transmission system operator, Energinet, and in collaboration with Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services.

This advancement will grant access to consumption sites across Germany, fostering the delivery of competitively priced green hydrogen to the German market.

Karsten Plauborg, partner at CIP commented: “This is an important step for CIP and the HØST PtX Esbjerg project. With the vast renewable energy potential from the North Sea as well as the planned hydrogen pipeline connecting Denmark to Germany, we are excited to take the next step in bringing the green hydrogen from the HØST project to German customers. While CIP has a significant portfolio of power-to-gas projects, Uniper’s strong position with German energy customers is a key enabler in establishing this new market.” says Karsten Plauborg, Partner at Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

Read the original press release at: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and Uniper enter hydrogen partnership

A path to decarbonise agriculture

Utilising green ammonia from the HØST PtX Esbjerg plant, Green Fertilizer Denmark aims to reduce agricultural carbon emissions while advancing the development of environmentally friendly fertilizer production.

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Towards net zero with green hydrogen

Denmark has a long tradition of active energy policy, initiated as a reaction to the first oil crisis in 1973. Over the years, a pursuit of energy efficiency, system integration, and renewable energy generation has moved Denmark close to a fossil-free energy system. Denmark aims to reach 100 pct. renewable electricity in 2027.

Being the first country to install a commercial offshore wind farm more than 30 years ago, Denmark has been a first mover in the wind industry for decades. Geographically located in the shallow waters between the North and Baltic Sea, the nation has access to abundant offshore wind resources and low electricity costs.

Green hydrogen is the next natural step of this journey as it holds considerable potential for reducing CO₂ emissions in hard-to-electrify sectors and offers further potential for system integration, sector coupling and deployment of renewable energy sources.

With more than 20 hydrogen projects on the drawing board, and a national strategy aiming for 4-6 GW electrolysis capacity towards 2030, Denmark is set to play a key part in accelerating the production of green hydrogen and green fuels for the future.

Discover green hydrogen and e-fuels

Green hydrogen and e-fuels play a vital role in advancing the green transition. Produced through electrolysis using renewable electricity, both are critical components in decarbonising industries and transportation globally.

Denmark has experience across the entire green hydrogen value chain, spanning unparalleled knowledge within wind energy, highly efficient electrolyser technologies, cross-industry energy efficiency, a strong transport sector, district heating grids for heat utilisation, and cutting-edge technology providers. 

Renowned for research and development, Denmark supports the emergence of new industries while aligning workforce skills with hydrogen sector demands. A strong emphasis on education cultivates a skilled labour force, facilitating a green and equitable transition.

Explore green hydrogen and e-fuels

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Green financing
Green hydrogen
Hydrogen infrastructure


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