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Climate partnerships

Climate partnerships: A new model for public private climate action

The private sector plays an important role in the effort to achieve the Danish government’s climate goal. Partly via efforts to reduce emissions in value chains. And partly by developing new products, services, technologies, and business models which support the green transition – both at home and abroad.

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This article is part of our publication ‘Climate partnerships for a greener future’. Learn more about the climate partnership model, dive into your specific sector for concrete recommendations on how to reduce emissions, or learn how to set and achieve ambitious climate goals.

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Sector-specific recommendations from the private sector

Building on the Danish tradition for public-private partnerships and recognising the private sector as a central actor, the Danish government has formed 14 climate partnerships. Each representing the different sectors in the Danish economy. The 14 partnerships were tasked with presenting a proposal on how their individual sector could contribute to CO2e reductions justly, supporting Danish competitiveness, exports, jobs, welfare and prosperity.

The proposal had to include measures that the sector itself could take to reduce emissions as well as recommendations to remove barriers and improve framework conditions in order to support reductions and green competitiveness. This resulted in more than 400 recommendations.

The organisation of the climate partnerships

Each partnership is chaired by a representative from a private sector company appointed by the Danish government with 1-2 business organisations serving as secretariats. The number of stakeholders involved varies from partnership to partnership due to different structures. Typically, the drafting of the recommendations has been an open process involving several companies and organisations from the entire sector.

From recommendation to implementation

Based on the climate partnerships recommendations and roadmaps, the Danish government will assess if and how the inputs can be addressed politically. Many of the
recommendations have already been reflected in political initiatives, for instance on energy islands, Power-to-X, carbon capture technologies, electrification efforts and new financial models.


Explore each of the 14 partnerships in depth on the official climate partnerships website. Discover the actors behind them, their visions, and most importantly, their recommendations for government action.


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