Wind energy
Viking Wind is ISO 9001 certified

It is with great joy and pride that Viking Wind can now show all stakeholders that we by ultimo October 2022 are included by the international certification standard- ISO 9001. After six months of dedicated work internally in the company, the hard work has paid off and the ISO 9001 certificate has been obtained.
CEO Ulrich Høgenhaven says: “It has long been a huge wish at Viking Wind to obtain an ISO 9001 certification for multiple reasons. However, the biggest part was to meet the customer requirements for this certificate, especially from foreign customers and stakeholders.
He also states: “Now We have mapped the procedures that we are working by in the company. Everyone has done a great job on obtaining this certificate and I would like to thank all employees for their great work.”
The UN’s 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) are globally considered essential for achieving sustainable development. To have the SDGs succeed requires a commitment from businesses, individuals, industries, and governments. Here, the internationally recognized guidelines, the ISO standards, play an important role, as they are built on consensus and create the basis for which direction development should take. The standards thus enable the parties involved to pull in the same direction.
According to ISO – International Organization for Standardization, the ISO 9001 standard contributes to the following SDGs: 1.9, 12, and 14. With Viking Wind fulfilling SDGs 7.9 and 13, it is thus a bonus for those who value a sustainable choice.
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