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Energy efficiency


Topsoe joins consortium to solve the global challenge of ensuring food for a growing world population

In a new consortium, Topsoe will team up with companies and university researchers to help the rising global challenges with food insecurity and greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture.
25 September 2023

According to a recent UN-led report, 250 million people faced severe hunger during 2022, which was an increase of 65 million compared to the year before.

The consortium aims to provide a more sustainable way of producing proteins through fermentation. Through biological and electrochemical processes, it is possible to utilize CO2 to produce proteins that can be used directly in food for humans. Topsoe will provide technical expertise and insights as well as its SOEC electrolysis technology.

“The technologies are estimated to be able to produce enough protein for more than 1 billion people every year, creating a stable source of nutritious food for people living in areas with limited potential for conventional agriculture, such as in low- or middle-income countries,” says Poul Georg Moses, Chief Technology Officer, Power-to-X at Topsoe.

While supplying nutritious food to a growing world population, this will also enable a decoupling of our food production from land use and be a major contribution to a more sustainable society.

In the consortium, funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Novo Nordisk Foundation, Topsoe will work with Novozymes A/S, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, Lectrolyst LLC and the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center (CORC) at Aarhus University in Denmark.

The total funding from the two foundations is up to DKK 200 million (€27 million) and covers a two-year period. If the work of the consortium is successful, it will be possible to continue the support for later stages of the project.

About Topsoe

Topsoe is a leading global provider of technology and solutions for the energy transition. They combat climate change by helping customers and partners achieve their decarbonization and emission reduction goals.

Based on decades of scientific research and innovation, Topsoe offers world-leading solutions for transforming renewable resources into fuels and chemicals for a sustainable world, and for efficient and low-carbon fuel production and clean air.

Topsoe was founded in 1940 and headquartered in Denmark, with over 2,800 employees serving customers all around the globe. To learn more, visit

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