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Energy efficiency in industry

Green hydrogen


Topsoe celebrates milestone in construction of world’s first industrial scale SOEC electrolyser facility

Topsoe is constructing the first industrial scale SOEC facility to manufacture electrolyzers to produce green hydrogen. Green hydrogen is the important building block to get clean fuels and chemicals to fuel a sustainable future.
30 November 2023

Announced May 1, 2023

Topsoe, a global leader in carbon emission reduction technologies, is dedicated to delivering the solutions needed to decarbonize energy-intensive industries and long-distance transportation, responsible for around 30 percent of global emissions.

To reach net zero on a global scale in 2050 an estimated 3670-gigawatts of installed electrolysis capacity is required by 2050. A prerequisite for having enough installed electrolyzer capacity, that enables industry producing green hydrogen, is to build up manufacturing capacity at speed. And that is exactly what Topsoe is doing.

Roeland Baan, CEO at Topsoe, said:
“The case for using electrolysis technology to produce green fuels is well established, but actual manufacturing capacity is needed at speed. We are facing this challenge head on. Our climate is in crisis and in need of resolute and massive solutions to cut emissions and turn the tables on climate change, ensuring a better world for generations to come. In combination with foresightful partners and customers and strong public-private sector collaboration, we’ll be able to make a substantial contribution to the energy transition, help secure energy independence, and fuel the green economy in Europe and globally.”

Kim Hedegaard, CEO Power-to-X at Topsoe, said:
“Our factory will take high-temperature electrolysis from the laboratory environment to industrial scale and provide the first industrial use case. Our SOEC technology helps to answer the question of how to turn on the power when the winds aren’t blowing, and the sun isn’t shining, as green hydrogen and its derivatives can be stored and ready to use when we have a deficit in renewables. It also bridges the gap between renewable energy and the energy-intensive industries, that we in Topsoe are determined to decarbonize.”

Present at the celebration was, among others, Denmark’s Minister for Climate, Energy, and Utilities, Lars Aagaard, Mayor at Herning Kommune, Dorte West, and CEO at First Ammonia, Joel Moser. Director-General Energy at the EU Commission, Ditte Juul-Jørgensen gave a video-recorded keynote.

About Topsoe

Topsoe is a leading global provider of technology and solutions for the energy transition. They combat climate change by helping customers and partners achieve their decarbonization and emission reduction goals.

Based on decades of scientific research and innovation, Topsoe offers world-leading solutions for transforming renewable resources into fuels and chemicals for a sustainable world, and for efficient and low-carbon fuel production and clean air.

Topsoe was founded in 1940 and headquartered in Denmark, with over 2,800 employees serving customers all around the globe. To learn more, visit

Facts about the SOEC factory

  • Location: Herning, Denmark
  • Size: 23,000 square meters
  • Number of employees: 150 ones the factory is operational
  • Annual capacity: 500 MW – equaling production of 125,000 tonnes of hydrogen – with an option to expand further.
  • World’s first industrial scale SOEC electrolyzer manufacturing facility
  • Operational: Expectedly by 2025.
  • First Ammonia will be the first customer to start leveraging Topsoe’s SOEC electrolyzers.

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