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Climate change adaptation

Climate partnerships

Tivoli and Better Energy sign new PPA for green energy

Tivoli has entered into a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Better Energy to purchase green energy from a solar park on Lolland.

By the end of 2023, Tivoli’s electricity consumption is expected to be covered by renewable energy. Tivoli’s upcoming PPA supports Denmark’s climate target by reducing energy-related carbon emissions.

“With this new deal, we are taking an important step to reduce our carbon emissions. We are very pleased that the new power purchase agreement will also benefit the Danish electricity grid and contribute directly to Denmark’s national goal of reducing carbon emissions”, says Susanne Mørch Koch CEO of Tivoli.

Until now, Tivoli has covered its electricity consumption by purchasing green certificates for renewable wind energy. The amusement park is now gearing up with the power purchase agreement, which reduces Tivoli’s carbon emissions and ensures that new green energy is added to the Danish electricity grid.

Better Energy is pleased to announce the collaboration with Tivoli:

“Tivoli is a hallmark in Copenhagen and by demanding new additional renewable electricity Tivoli becomes an industry leader that helps to pave the way towards our climate targets,” explains Rasmus Lildholdt Kjær, Better Energy’s CEO and says that the dialogue with Tivoli has been driven by a desire to take the lead through action:

“Tivoli, with its place in the heart of Copenhagen and in the hearts of many Danes, has a huge opportunity to inspire others to take climate action. And action here and now is the decisive parameter for whether we reach our climate goals in Denmark.”

Tivoli’s CEO Susanne Mørch Koch furthermore stresses that:

“We have conducted a comprehensive review of Tivoli’s greenhouse gas emissions. We are now in the process of reducing our emission in relation to our fuel and energy consumption, where the new power purchase agreement is a step on the journey. We will continue to explore initiatives that can reduce energy consumption”.


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