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Green hydrogen

New strategy accelerates Denmark’s Power-to-X ambitions

The strategy will push for the production and use of green hydrogen in hard-to-abate sectors like shipping and aviation, as well as heavy road transport and industry.

The new national strategy will push for the production and use of green hydrogen in hard-to-abate sectors like shipping and aviation as well as heavy road transport and industry. Due to the large wind resources and a massive expansion of offshore wind capacity in the coming years, Denmark has good conditions for the production of green hydrogen.

Related news: Danish partners eye largest ever green fuels deal 

4-6 GW Power-to-X by 2030

The strategy aims to promote energy export in the form of green hydrogen and e-fuels. With the announcement, Denmark aims to build between 4 to 6 gigawatts of electrolysis capacity by 2030. 6 gigawatts will put Denmark amongst Europe’s top three.

“The new deal strengthens the climate, the business environment and the security of green energy supplies. I am extremely pleased with this broad, political agreement to raise the ambitions to a new level from which Denmark can play an international role. Europe is on an intensive chase for alternatives to fossil fuels, hence we have to move swiftly”, says Denmark’s Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, Dan Jørgensen.

The development of Power-to-X in Denmark is an important next step in the fight against climate change. In addition, it poses a great potential for the export of green hydrogen, benefitting Danish companies and creating green jobs.

Power-to-X in Denmark
The map shows new and upcoming PtX projects in Denmark. Source: Brintbrancen

The Power-to-X strategy includes four objectives for promoting Power-to-X in Denmark:

  1. Power-to-X must be able to contribute to the realisation of the objectives in the Danish Climate Act.
  2. The regulatory framework and infrastructure must be in place to allow Denmark’s strengths to be utilised and for the Power-to-X industry to operate on market terms in the long run.
  3. The interaction between Power-to-X and the Danish energy system must be improved.
  4. Denmark must be able to export Power-to-X products and technologies.

In light of the strategy, the Danish Government expects to announce a renewed plan for the expansion of renewable energy production on land as well as offshore. The expansion is needed to secure Denmark’s position as net exporter of green energy. The new strategy’s objective of reaching a 4 -6 gigawatt of electrolysis capacity by 2030 is expected to entail reductions of CO2 emission between 2,5 – 4,0 million tonnes.

You may read more about the Danish strategy for Power-to-X here (in Danish).

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