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Air pollution


Indoor air quality


How to create healthy indoor environments

16 September 2019

Measuring indoor air quality is receiving an increasing amount of attention as environmental issues such as pollution have become a bigger part of the public agenda. In the past, monitoring of indoor air quality has largely been focused on measuring carbon dioxide concentrations (CO2). Today, technology enables us to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to improve the indoor environment and prevent the negative health effects which are caused by these organic chemicals.

Due to technological advancements, it has now become possible to detect VOCs with wireless air quality sensors. The term VOCs covers all organic chemical compounds that can volatilize under regular conditions of temperature and pressure. The compounds are everywhere, indoors as well as in outdoor environments. However, the inside concentration is consistently higher than outside.

Sources of VOC emission

In contrast to elevated levels of CO2 in buildings that are usually caused by the occupants as humans exhale CO2, VOCs are emitted from a wide range of products and materials. For instance, paints, as well as cleaning, cosmetic, degreasing, and hobby products, may release organic compounds. This mainly occurs while they are used but also, to some degree, when they are stored.

Negative health effects

VOCs include a variety of organic chemicals, some of which can have adverse health effects. Among the symptoms experienced by people soon after exposure to some of the chemicals are eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and memory impairment. Other health effects include damage to the liver and kidneys, as well as the central nervous system. Due to the negative health effects, monitoring of VOCs and essentially decreasing its concentration is an essential part of creating a healthy indoor environment.

Get to know how to create healthy indoor environments with help from the wireless, battery-powered Air Quality Sensor.

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