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Circular business models


We’re expanding our business with acquisition of land in Denmark

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re expanding our business with the acquisition of Danish land near Kalundborg on Zealand and Thisted in Jutland.

Denmark - let’s get growing! The ink has dried, and we’re thrilled to announce that we’re expanding our business with the acquisition of Danish land near Kalundborg on Zealand and Thisted in Jutland.

This marks a very exciting chapter for us and our international expansion, as it signifies our first ownership of land outside France. In the grander scheme of things, this also brings us yet another step closer to our mission of reforesting Europe using sustainable forestry management, and our ambition to plant and grow 10 million trees by 2030.Since EcoTree launched in 2016, we’ve already planted and currently manage more than 1 million trees, which have captured more than 20,000 tonnes of CO2, so we’re well on target to reach our goal! And truth be told, the real heroes are in fact our fantastic community of 55,000+ individuals and 1,500+ companies, who’ve all decided to join us and become tree owners. It’s on their behalf that we’re able to plant so many trees, and it’s because of our ever-growing movement of actors that we wake up each morning, determined to keep on planting, maintaining, and managing them.

- Read more: How we’ve grown to 1 million trees in 5 years

Scaling the world into sustainable forestry and biodiversity

Finding a way to scale the world into sustainable forestry has been at the root of our work since day one. And while trees are very much our bag at EcoTree, ensuring biodiversity is also an area that constitutes a big part of our mission. Our biodiversity projects include bees and beehives, accompanied by bee plantations and fruit hedges, restoration of humid areas that have disappeared in the 20th century, and preservation of wildlife habitat in our forests, through biodiversity trees, pounds and nesting boxes. All of this work is monitored by experts that allow us to guide and evaluate its impact.

With our carbon capture methodology verified by Bureau Veritas and having received our B Corp certification in 2021, including the Best for the World distinction in the Environmental Category, we’re confident that we’re on the right track.

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If you ask us, giving a financial incentive that rewards sustainable tree planting is the key to unlocking local action from individuals and companies. This has worked wonders in France, and it’s our secret sauce to successfully reforest Denmark, Europe, and subsequently, the rest of the world.

- Read more: Our unique model

The magic of our model is tied up in the natural growth of a tree as a physical asset, able to financially reward companies and individuals who support sustainable forestry. As the value of the tree grows, it creates a safe home for forest animals and captures carbon along the way. As tree owners, companies and individuals own a natural asset, and they can track how the wood volume of their asset grows on average 2% each year, just like the value of the tree itself. At the end of its lifespan, the tree is eventually cut and used for sustainable timber, and 100% of the profit goes directly back to the tree owners.

Let’s reforest France, Denmark, Europe – and the rest of the world!

Sustainable forestry management at a global level is an essential response to climate change and fundamental to achieving the goals of the 2015 Paris climate agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The latest IPCC report, the European Green Deal and the EU 2030 strategies for Forests and Biodiversity have put trees and forest ecosystems high on the political, corporate, and social agenda, with a commitment to plant at least 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030.

This is because forests are not only about saving our climate. Multiple benefits arise from sustainable forestry ecosystems, including improved health and well-being, cleaner air, greater economic productivity, and employment creation. Of all the potential clean energy solutions, trees are one of the cheapest, most geographically dispersed, most efficiently deployed and most widely available resource.

However, all things considered, when it comes to sustainable forestry, much more still ends up being said than done. Faced as we are with the imperative to act, we’ve reached a point where words alone will no longer move things forward and new approaches are required to engage all levels of society, especially tapping into local-level, citizen-driven engagements.

That’s why we’re determined to show how our groundbreaking and simple approach to sustainable forestry, where ‘you own the trees and we own the land’, can be used as a scalable solution to help meet the 3 billion additional trees by 2030 goal.

And we hope that the news of our expansion into Denmark makes you just as excited as we’re feeling right now – and just as compelled to take action! Not just for us, but for the prospects of our mission to bring as many trees into the world as we possibly can!

Take a look at our dedicated page to see which trees we’re planting in Denmark.

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