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Denmark ranks highest on the Climate Change Performance Index

Denmark has once again claimed the top position on the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), reaffirming its commitment to fighting against climate change.
12 December 2023

Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)

The aim of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is to create transparency in climate policy, making it possible to compare climate protection efforts and see progress and setbacks.

The CCPI uses a standardised framework to compare the climate performance of 59 countries and the EU. The climate protection performance is assessed in four categories: GHG emissions, Renewable Energy, Energy Use and Climate Policy.

About CCPI

Denmark’s dedication to pioneering climate policies and its important role in the advancement of renewable energy production have again solidified the country’s top position on the Climate Change Performance Index.

Serving as an independent and widely recognised monitoring tool, the Climate Change Performance Index assumes a leading role in offering insights into the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement. Since its inception in 2005, the CCPI has been instrumental in conducting analyses by juxtaposing the climate protection performance of the European Union and 59 other countries, collectively responsible for a substantial 92% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Denmark tops the list – but the podium places are empty

With a vacant top three, Denmark ranks fourth in this year’s CCPI and is therefore once again the frontrunner with the overall highest rating of all countries on the list. Consistent with the preceding year’s assesments, Denmark continues to earn commendable ratings in the GHG Emissions, Renewable Energy, and Climate Policy categories. However, its performance in energy usage receives only mediocre ratings.

CCPI experts highlight Denmark’s role as a progressive force in climate policy, securing top rankings on both the international and national fronts. The implementation of the CO2 tax and participation in the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance are particularly recognised as commendable initiatives.

CCPI experts also note, that while Denmark is making progress in reaching its ambitious target of achieving a 70% emission reduction by 2030, work is still to be done, and the effort is still not sufficient.


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