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Newsletter: Denmark at COP29

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The Danish pavilion at COP is a platform for public-private climate action.

Discover the program, events, and all the action from Denmark at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Discover Denmark at COP29

Side-events at Denmark Pavilion at COP28

Last year, Denmark was represented by Danish public and private partners at COP28, who showcased their green solutions through various side events.

Relive the programme from COP28

As the official Danish negotiation party to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Denmark’s Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities has access to organising the official Danish pavilion in the negotiation zone (blue) at the climate COP’s.

Every year, in collaboration, the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities, State of Green, Danish Industry and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs are organising the Danish pavilion at the climate COP.

The pavilion is located in the blue zone compromising several leading Danish companies, energy majors, financial players, organisations and NGO’s. The aim is to create a platform that brings together decision-makers and key opinion leaders from all over the world to spur new partnerships and engage in dialogue around public-private climate action for accelerated green transition.

By following our COP newsletter, you can get information about the planning of the official Danish pavilion at the next COP. We will keep you informed about practicalities, the Danish political work and opportunities to interact.

Our newsletters is relevant to companies, authorities, organisations and journalists who will participate or are interested in the COP.

COP29: What we know so far

Hotel Bookings: COP29 Baku – booking bnetwork

What are we waiting for: COP29

Where: COP29 will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan

Time: The conference will take place on 11 – 22 November 2024

Denmark Pavilion: The Danish pavilion will be developed in cooperation between the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Industry and State of Green

Venue and accommodation: To be announced

You can read more about accreditations here:


Contact Person -
State of Green

Magnus Højberg Mernild
Head of PR & Communications

[email protected]

+45 5171 7830
Want to receive news on Danish activities at COP?
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Registration deadline
December 31, 2024

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