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Combined heat and power production

District energy

District heating


State of the Art Waste to Energy Plant: ARC

14. April 2015

Solution provider

Babcock & Wilcox

Babcock & Wilcox Renewable has supplied more than 650 waste-to-energy plants (WTE) worldwide.

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Keeping waste from landfills with proper waste management and supplying heat and electricity to Copenhagen citizens without polluting the air​.


The plant replaces a 45 year old plant with four furnace lines. Since 2017 Amager Ressourcecenter has run the plant burning 2 x 35 tonnes of waste per hour. In addition to the technological merits, the plant’s design includes a roof-wide artificial ski slope, inspired by the ski slopes in the Alps as a recreational area for citizens. The new filtration and other cleaning technologies ensures that air pollution is kept to a minimum on the new plant.


The technological effeciency of Copenhill waste to energy plant is 400,000 tons of waste a year resulting in:

  • 99% energy efficiency.
  • District heating for 160,000 households.
  • Electricity for 62,500 households.
  • 100 million liters of spare water recovered through flue gas condensation.
  • 90% reuse of metals from waste amounting to 10,000 tonnes of metal a year.
  • 100,000 tonnes of bottom ash reused as road material, which saves large amounts of gravel.

Image: Hufton Crow