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Combined heat and power production


Net-Achieving 150% energy self-sufficiency

13. September 2021

Solution provider

NISSEN energy

NISSEN energy supply services and products to ensures economical, beneficial production of sustainable energy - local and global.

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At its Marselisborg WWTP, the utility has implemented energy-saving technologies such as an advanced SCADA control system, a new turbo compressor, sludge liquor treatment based on the anammox process, as well as optimized the fine bubble aeration system. This has resulted in a reduction in power consumption of approximately 1GWh/year, corresponding to about 25% in total savings.



During the same time period, energy production has been improved through the implementation of new energy efficient biogas engines (CHP) delivered by NISSEN energy, resulting in an increase in electricity production of approximately 1 GWh/year.

Furthermore, a new heat exchanger has been installed with the aim of selling excess heat to the district heating grid, which represents approx. 2 GWh/year.



Between 2015 and 2019, Marselisborg WWTP had an average total energy production of 9.6 GWh/year and an energy consumption of 6.4 GWh/year, equivalent to a net energy production of 150%.

Most of the installed technologies have a payback time of less than 5 years.