The Wastewater Plan for Aarhus therefore suggests, that the current WWTP is demolished and a new is built. Developing a new Marselisborg WWTP, Marselisborg ReWater, Aarhus Vand’s (Aarhus Water) ambition is to establish not only a wastewater treatment plant but a ‘resource and recovery plant’, meaning that the plant in addition to the purifying of wastewater, will also produce and recover energy and nutrients from the wastewater to an unprecedented extent. The goal is to make Marselisborg ReWater the world’s most resource efficient WWTP.
To achieve this, Smith has formulated an innovation strategy for the development of Marselisborg ReWater that states 15 innovation challenges, that is to be addressed – and solved – in the coming years, making sure that Aarhus Vand will get a comprehensive and broad input of technologies and solutions to choose from in the development of Marselisborg ReWater.