Novo Nordisk Nature Park is the first park in Denmark with a 100per cent water balance. The park’s topography and plantation are carefully designed to handle even once in a blue moon cloudburst without directing any water into sewers. The solutions have given the healthcare company, Novo Nordisk, full refund on their sewer taxes. Equally, the solution includes the creation of lush nature of a variety of dense biotopes, which maximises environmentalsustainability, recreational value and conditions for outdoor meetings. Rainwater from pavements and onsite roofs is collected in an underground water tank. It is later used for irrigation of the 15,000 m² green roof covering the underground parking garage or led to the different biotopes via underground reservoirs. For the green roof, the DiaCell system of nonwoven geotextile with a Fortrac geonet for erosion control was installed. Two layers of geocells, soil substrate for extensive roof gardens and finally a pre-vegetated sedum/meadow mat were also installed. Any excess water is infiltrated.
Courtesy: SLA, Henning Larsen Architects, SKAG, Byggros, HedeDanmark, URBANGREEN and WSP