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Climate change adaptation

Coastal protection

Digital water solutions


Digital monitoring system prevents floods in Vejle

28. January 2022

Solution provider


As one of the world’s leading professional services firms, WSP exists to future-proof our cities and environment. We provide strategic advisory, engineering, and design services to clients in the transportation, infrastructure, environment, building, power, energy, water, mining, and resources sectors.

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There is a great challenge in managing the watercourses in Denmark so they don’t harm the nature, environment, and the citizens around them. As a coastal municipality, Vejle is also struggling with this challenge as they must deal with both the consequences of climate change, which causes rising sea levels, and severe floods from the surrounding streams.

Vejle Municipality has sought help from the engineering company WSP, which has extensive experience linking data from watercourses with sea levels. Vejle receives online status and flood warnings on SMS through a digital monitoring system when dealing with rising sea levels and surrounding watercourses. Behind the system is WSP, which also shares hundreds of measurements from the country’s watercourses on the exhibition platform

The digital monitoring system helps predict when and how much water Vejle can expect. This enables the emergency management of Vejle to close locks and stopping floods from the sea, start pumps to drain the freshwater behind, and navigate water to meadows and lakes. By implementing this system in Vejle, WSP has managed to prevent watercourses damage the environment.