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R&D Project

Climate change adaptation

Public transportation

Resource efficient production


Development of Asphalt-Mixtures for Road and Bridge Pavements under extreme Climate Impacts

18. October 2022

Solution provider

Green & Blue Environmental ApS

Meteorological and climate data-as-a-service provider to increase the resilience of public and private sectors.

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Ongoing climate change threatens to increase the maximum temperature and heat wave frequency, but on the other hand, cold waves may still occur at the same temperature level in central Europe. With these changes, pavement layers are exposed to more extreme and a larger range of conditions, which may require different material mixes, for example with the ability to reflect more sunlight.


In close collaboration with our partner KIT-ISE, investigate extreme climate conditions of the future and develop, test and recommend asphalt mixtures for climate-proof pavements. The timeframe, until when the currently used asphalt mixtures are going to be adequate to the climate conditions will also be determined. GBE is going to provide high-resolution modelling and projection datasets for the relevant cold and hot temperature extremes and conduct the impact modelling for the structural damage caused in asphalt layers by the climate conditions.
Due to a changing climate, heat stress will largely increase and thus, the regulations, as well as the calculation methods, have to be updated in a way that road surfaces can withstand climate conditions during their expected lifetime.


Ongoing project. The climate data provided will be used to test the current and modified mixtures in the laboratory as well as guide the future construction of pavements towards anticipatory climate-proofing.