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Green hydrogen

Hydrogen infrastructure


Building a world of sustainable energy with green hydrogen

2. May 2024

Solution provider

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Electrolysers are vital components to produce green hydrogen, a promising energy carrier that has the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions in various industries. 

The construction of an electrolyser plant requires a multi-disciplinary approach, including engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning activities. The timely and efficient execution of these activities is essential to ensure that the plant is operational within the set timeline and budget. 

To achieve this, companies must invest in effective project management, resource allocation, and quality control. The project management team must have the necessary expertise and experience to oversee the project’s various stages, from design to commissioning. At the same time, the workforce on site must be adequately trained and equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to execute their tasks efficiently and safely. 


At the industrial energy park, GreenLab, in Skive, Denmark, two companies have come together to ensure the safe and efficient installation of a new pressurised alkaline electrolyser prototype. 

The prototype electrolyser has been developed by Green Hydrogen Systems, and the project management and site installations have been managed by BWSC. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 

The focus of the project has been to achieve an efficient setup for erection and installation. BWSC has ensured this through professional workforces on site and timely management by BWSC’s highly experienced and professional supervisor team using 3D modern engineering tools. 


The safe and efficient installation of the electrolyser prototype has been a critical step towards achieving a sustainable and greener future. 

Overall, this project has the potential to serve as a model for similar initiatives worldwide, paving the way for a more sustainable and carbon-neutral future.