Solution provider

Odense Port is one of Europes leading manufacturing ports within offshore wind. We have facilitated the production and load out of main components for 1.400+ offshore wind turbines.
Wind turbine manufacturing and components
Offshore wind
Wind energy
Odense Port is one of Europes leading manufacturing ports within offshore wind. We have facilitated the production and load out of main components for 1.400+ offshore wind turbines.
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The wind industry’s movement towards the ports has put great pressure on their infrastructure and facilities, which causes a scarcity of space and suitable ports for wind production.
At Odense Port, space is NOT the problem as we have 2 million available square meters.
But since the vessels transporting nacelles, towers, foundations etc. increase in size – proportionally to the steadily growing wind components – shortly we will need a deeper fairway and more quay meters.
In addition, the substations and monopiles being produced at Odense Port demand a huge road in order to be transported from the production halls to load out without colliding with other activities and traffic on site.
Odense Port has been granted DKK 15 million from the EU Infrastructure Fund to carry out a feasibility study on how to expand the fairway and quay.
We are now in the process of mapping the scope of the project and carrying out the necessary environmental screenings.
In collaboration with Bladt Industries, that produces substations and monopiles at Odense Port, we have made a 46 metres wide transportation road dedicated to main components within offshore wind.
With this expansion of the port – by up to 1 million square metres – and the enlargement of our roads, we are ready to meet tomorrow’s needs and thereby contribute substantially to the green transition.
In order to comply with the market needs and execute the ambitious policy plans for a massive expansion of offshore wind, especially in the EU, we have become a crucial key facilitator for the green transition.
With this coming expansion of the port, we can continue to be Europe’s leading production ports within offshore wind.
Furthermore, we get the facilities to also become a considerable installation port, where the wind industry can benefit from having both production and installation at the same place – perfectly located between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.